The Polytech preparatory cycle: PEIP


The Peip (Parcours des écoles d'ingénieurs Polytech (Polytech engineering school pathways ) is the preferred route to Polytech Paris-Saclay and other schools in the Polytech network. This course recruits mainly at baccalauréat level.

The 'ADVANTAGES" of the PeiP are many :

- The entrance exam is organised at baccalauréat level.

- At the Bac+2 level, students choose their future speciality in one of the schools in the network.

- Progression: the curriculum is spread over 5 years, with insights from the beginning of the course into the business world, projects and a work placement.

- Some of the scientific courses can be chosen to deepen an area of knowledge.

- Quality of student life: students are immediately integrated into the school. They benefit from the richness of its community life, the student network and alumni. 

First two years of vocational training

- A 5-year training programme.

- Basic science subjects.

- Professional training: languages, communication, business.

- Optional subjects to help in the choice of a future specialism and to allow for a more in-depth study of an area of study.

- Work placement: 4 weeks in the first year.

Wide-ranging opportunities

- Access to specialties in schools in the network at the end of the PeiP: you choose the specialties which appeals to you.

- Continuation of studies during initial training or by apprenticeship

A coherent and consistent programme 

- Classes of 120 students.

- Specific teaching for Polytech students: - Lectures in lecture halls (120) - small groups for work sessions (30 for practical sessions, 15 in languages and practical work).

- Assessment using continuous assessment.

- Compulsory attendance.

- Active participation in community life and/or projects set up by students.

- A strong foundation of scientific skills for further study in engineering.

- Mathematics, general physics, computer science, electronics, chemistry.

- Amount of subjects varies according to each student's choice

Ask for the program!


Choice of modules for a personalised course

  • 14 % of the training is chosen by students
  • Each semester has a choice of scientific pathways which allow students to deepen their knowledge in a particular scientific field: Physics: advanced mechanics, electricity and magnetism, electromagnetic waves. Chemistry: The mechanics of advanced materials, chemistry of solutions. IT: algorithms and advanced programming, python.
  • In each semester there are specialist modules to choose from, allowing students to explore and deepen their knowledge in a particular field of study.

               - Computer science: Web Technology, Machine Learning, Cryptology, Logical problem solving.
               - Embedded systems: IoT, Robots, smartphones.
               - Physics: 3D printing, music acoustics, biomedical photonics.
               - Chemistry: Materials for energy, energy and environment, experimental Chemical Kinetics.

How do I apply ?

The following may apply :

- Students in their final year of general education.

- General baccalaureate holders from the previous year for admission to the first year.

- Students from PASS for integration into the 2nd year on a specific course.

The procedure :

How do I apply to Geipi Polytech

- Registration from January to March :

- To find out more about selection :

- To find out more about the Polytech competitive entrance examination :

Competitive entrance examination costs

- Free for French government secondary school scholarship holders.

- € 60 for others. 

Registration procedure for foreign students

Through the competitive entrance examination Polytech - DE1 series if you are preparing a foreign equivalent to the French baccalaureate or if you hold such an equivalent obtained in 2020. This competitive entrance examination gives access to six schools in the Polytech network (Annecy-Chambéry, Marseille, Nancy, Orléans, Paris-Saclay and Tours). The details of the competition depend on your country of residence:

Contact and further information : recrut‐peip.polytech@universite‐paris‐